Monthly Archives: August 2014

Injured in a car accident? Can’t work? What are you options for payments from ICBC and other sources.

  ICBC may have an obligation to pay you for lost wages if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident. There, however, are a few catches: 1) Firstly ICBC is a secondary insurer. What this means is that if you have another source of income, such as extended health or employment insurance coverage, you have […]

Does ICBC have to pay for my treatment?

  Many people do not realize they are entitled to benefits from ICBC regardless of whether they are at fault for an accident or not. When you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, Part 7 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Regulations creates an obligation for ICBC to fund treatments including all necessary: medical, surgical, […]

Do I need to hire a lawyer for an ICBC case?

  Do I need a lawyer? When dealing with ICBC, the answer is probably. An experienced personal injury lawyer will not only have experience with the litigation process and the many pitfalls that can occur, but they will have experience dealing with ICBC. The downside to hiring a lawyer is that you will have to […]

The Bertuzzi / Moore personal injury lawsuit settled The Bertuzzi / Moore case is one of the most notorious personal injury cases in British Columbia (although the lawsuit was actually filed in Ontario). Today, a settlement was reached in this case. Due to a non-disclosure clause, the details of this settlement have not been made public. By way of background, Steve Moore, a former […]

Soft-Tissue Injuries and Motor Vehicle Accidents

  Many injuries people suffer in motor vehicle accidents are not easily diagnosed or explained. Unlike injuries like a broken bone that can be easily identified, injuries involving the soft-tissues of the body are much harder to diagnose. The lack of objective evidence these injuries leave behind increases the importance of the credibility of the […]

ICBC releases statistics on worst crash locations in Metro Vancouver

Generally it is best to avoid injury, lawyers, and lawsuits all together. ICBC has released statistics on what areas of metro Vancouver (the Lower mainland) have the most car accidents. These statistics show that it is not only the driver that can be responsible for a car accident, but certain areas of the city due […]

ICBC accidents and partial disabilities.

  Today the Supreme Court of British Columbia provided reasons for an award in excess of $1,000.000.00 for compensation for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. The bulk of this award was for “Loss of Earning Capacity”, which is the loss of the ability to earn income in the future. In this particular […]

Should I sue my friends?

  A lot of clients express concern about the effect their potential claim will have on their friends’ and family members’ insurance. The fact of the matter is that a personal injury lawsuit often has no effect on a driver’s insurance rates once they have already been found at fault for an accident.  While any […]