Even small accidents can lead to large injuries.


In this recent Supreme Court of British Columbia case a plaintiff suffered what turned into a chronic neck injury after vehicle was struck from behind while stopped at a stop light:


The amount of damage to the Plaintiff’s vehicle was only about $1,000.

The Plaintiff in this action was a 37 year old mother of three. She worked as a music teacher and had no relevant history of neck pain. The motor vehicle accident caused the Plaintiff chronic neck pain and associated headaches. She began to develop this pain immediately after the accident, and it got worse in the following days. At issue was what was causing the Plaintiff’s neck pain and whether her ongoing neck pain was linked to the accident. This illustrates the importance of properly documenting injuries by seeking appropriate medical advice.

The Plaintiff in this action was ultimately awarded $80,000 as a non-pecuniary award for her pain and suffering. This is a substantial award. It not only reflects what the plaintiff has been through but also what the plaintiff is likely to experience in the future. In order to get this award, the Plaintiff relied on the testimony of both a family doctor and a physiatrist. This illustrates how a lawyer can you help you properly frame your case and meet the necessary burdens of proof. A lawyer will be able to help you chose a competent and reliable expert and help you fund the cost of doing so. Experts, like physiatrists, can charge around $4,000 for a report and then charge equally large amounts for the cost of their court appearance.




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