Monthly Archives: October 2015

Being overly “combative” can ruin your ICBC claim.

  It’s very important for plaintiffs in ICBC claims to present themselves well. Ultimately, a judge may decide how much your claim is worth, and your demeanour may play a large role in their decisions. Even in earlier parts of the litigation process, such as an examination for discovery, coming off as stand-offish or evasive can […]

Uber launches in Calgary. Is Vancouver next?

  Uber has officially launched in Calgary, and, thus far, the response has been very positive: A few things might differentiate Calgary from Vancouver. Most notably, a cab licence in Calgary was only selling for $100,000 on the secondary market at the time Uber was launched. In Vancouver, the price of a cab license […]

What exactly is whiplash? How do the courts deal with it? How much is a whiplash injury worth?

  As this is an extremely common injury from motor vehicle accidents, I felt that the subject of whiplash required further elaboration. The issue of whiplash is a complicated one. Unlike injuries that involve broken bones or visible cuts or bruises, whiplash usually consists entirely of self-reported injuries. This puts the court in a position […]

How a lack of credibility can ruin your ICBC case.

  Credibility is extremely important. At trial, the amount a plaintiff is awarded hinges heavily on the specific facts of a case, which separate one claim from another. It is a court’s job to determine facts based on the evidence before them, and a primary source of evidence is often the plaintiff themselves. Basically, the amount […]